Very young soccer players can exhibit incredible natural talent. The trick for the coach or the parent -coach is to create the environment which offers challenge and success. In learning to shoot a moving ball, the student starts by kicking a ball at rest and progresses to shooting balls off a service.
There are a few key coaching points to keep in mind, but if the player has a natural rhythm and connection with the ball, like the player in these videos, there is no need to "overcoach". In this series, we encouraged the player to run at goal, find the ball and shoot, then recharge the run and repeat.
These are some results.
Next we weight the service to make it stop as the shooter approaches. The shooter has to align the run so that the hips face the goal.
Finally serve the ball at the end of the player's run so that the ball is moving diagonally across the player's run to goal. The support foot aligns next to the ball and the shooting foot finds the back edge of the ball. Shoot straight at goal, keeping the ball low. Recharge the run and roll another service. As the player gains skill and confidence the ball can be served in with greater momentum and a goalkeeper may be added, or a target placed in the goal.
Good Luck working with your child or your team.
If you are interested in scheduling Individual Trainings this summer contact Coach tad@athenssocceracademy.com.
Mind Body Spirit Soccer
All Spring Trainings are at Athens Soccer Complex
Under 6 Soccer
Cost for program is $30
All classes are open to any registered player
Sunday May 4, 11, 18, 25
3:00-3:45pm--Player/Parent Class ages 2, 3, 4
4:00-5:00pm Game On Sundays--"Organized" games from 4-5PM at Athens Soccer Complex
Ages 3 and up
Wednesday May 7, 14, 21, 28--5:15-6:00
5:15-6:00--Player/Parent Class ages 2, 3, 4
6:15-7:15 Player/Parent Game all ages
Game On Sundays
"Organized" games from 4-5PM at Athens Soccer Complex
Ages 3 and up
email to register @ tad@athenssocceracademy.com
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