Monday, June 2, 2014

Expanded to Include 6 and 7--Under 8 Select Soccer League Looking for Game Ready Players

 The tournament this past Saturday, proved that the Game Ready players we have at 4 and 5 can play with the ages 6 and 7. These older players serve as models and help rather than hinder the confidence and the performances of the younger age set.

I have made three changes to the original league concept--1) Ages 6 and 7 are included and a 2) Tuesday training schedule has been added. and 3) start date has been moved to June 29.
I am organizing a Summer Soccer League for players age 5, 6, and 7, and I am looking for players who can perform like they all did Saturday. If you liked how the tournament games were officiated, then this is all about that.

You are invited to a free training for this league this Tuesday June 17 from 6:30-7:30pm at East State
RSVP by reply to this email or call 740-856-7300--Tad
My name is Tad Albano, and among other soccer things I do, is referee. Here are the details of the league.

Select Summer Soccer League

SCHEDULE--Games Sundays-3:00-4:00//Trainings Tuesdays 6:30-7:30
East State Street

Sunday Game Day 6 Weeks start June 29
3:00 Warm-up
3:15 Match Kickoffs
4:00 END

June 29--New Start Date
July 13
July 20
July 27
Aug 3
August 10

You Schedule the dates you can play. You can play all 6 weeks, but if you can't make it, I need to know now so I can schedule a sub. Athens Soccer Academy will keep a log/schedule of who will be there on which weeks.

League Details will be posted at:
Click Here for the League Information Page--

PARENT ASSISTANTS**--Will coach the team on the sidelines and must be concussion prevention certified** see below.
East State Street
June 17
June 24
July 1

UNIFORMS--Same as Tournament--Temporary Jerseys of multiple colors.

Team 1: Green
Team 2: Orange
Team 3 Black
Team 4 Gold

League Details will be posted at:
Click Here for the League Information Page--

GAME ADMINISTRATION--All games will have an Interactive Official, who encourages Players from both teams and assists game-flow.

COST-- $30 League fees plus one-time/annual insurance* $15= Total Cost $45

1-Email and RSVP with Game Date Availability
2-Visit and print the ASA Player Registration Document
3- Submit League Fee to Athens Soccer Academy at Tuesday Trainings
4-Visit and purchase annual insurance.

**REQUIRED--All Parent Assistants take and pass an on-line concussion prevention course. Every coach and referee in Ohio needs to take this.

*INSURANCE--$15 Purchase Annual insurance for all 2014 leagues.
here is the link:
You should complete the paper form and pay online, then hand the receipt from PayPal to Tad.
Questions email

Mind        Body          Spirit        Soccer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this information this is very nice blog thank you for giving this info
