Sunday, June 1, 2014

Viewer's Guide: Ball Dribbler's Delight Playlist

 These videos will show you what you can do in your own time to enhance ball control and thereby confidence with the ball.  Inside this series are secrets to becoming a dynamic dribbler.

The Videos in this series are meant to inspire you to train at home.   It would be difficult, to not want to move along with this series.

So 1--grab a ball and 2--half deflate it, 3--then clear a small area around your desk or pause each video and run out into the yard so you can do the exercises you see here.

Good luck and Change the Game.

Videos 1, 2, and 3: BallTouch Training--
Sharpens the coordination between the foot and the ball. BallTouch Training puts the ball in contact with the surfaces of the feet used for stopping, turning, acceleration, and control. Develop a "feel" for the ball, a sense of where it is without looking down. Train sitting in a chair or standing, with shoes or without.

See more BallTouch Here 

Videos  4, 5, 6, 7, and 8: Conework//Conecourse Training--
Sharpens the synchronicity with the ball between feet.  Set up a cone course as you see in the above videos and time yourself there and back again. Train for one week with the cones at 4 feet apart, then move the cones to 3 feet the next week, then 2, then 1 foot apart.

You want the shape of your movements through the cones to be curved rather than sharp zigzags.  The ball should not travel far from the center line. The center line is the swerving path between the cones, closest to the cones.  You want to use the inside and outside edges of the foot, as you worked on in Balltouch exercises.

Stagger the cones in a diagonal pattern and change the pattern to suit your every dribbling situation. Place a target 10 yards at the end of the conecourse--a small cone, bucket, goal-- so you complete the course with a straight ball on target.

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Video 9: Wall Work--
Coordinates timing of the ball and trains to keep ball low and straight. Use the side of the foot, and alternate the surfaces you receive the ball with. You can have the ball move to the right by using the inside of the left foor or the outside of the right foor, before playing the ball back into the wall again, then reverse feet.

Videos 10, 11, and 12: Ball Magicianship--
Move with the ball in an open space.  Stop, fake, turn, and accelerate using the surfaces of the foot--the sole, laces, inside, outside edges.

With Hope you enjoy Dribbler's Delight and spend some time with your ball this week. 

Mind                    Body                       Spirit                                  Soccer

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