Friday, January 13, 2017

Successful Attacking Soccer: Identifying the Essence of Attack

Session 2 soccer training in Athens and Parkersburg is focused on teaching Attacking skills. We are teaching from an underlying theory, just as we did in the defending series, but since this is the first time we have been teaching this attacking model, we have yet to find video examples of the principles as we are stressing them, that is, until this short video clip provided a great inside view of the dynamics of Successful Attacking Soccer.

The Essence of Attack is built upon the principles of play, upon a combination of factors coalescing at one moment. We stress quickness and control as the keys; and we encourage and teach a strong foundation in the basic skills of the game which opens up avenues for successful attacking play.

The Principles of Attacking Play involve these five elements:
--Depth Support

We start by teaching these principles and by breaking down attacking soccer into two simultaneous dynamics
-- on-ball movement
-- off-ball movement.

 Here Green Team's Quick change of point of attack opens up inside space to attack and finish with a goal.

Here is breakdown of the play
1-- The ball starts in the corner, Orange team has a Pressuring and a Covering defender engaged with the dribbler, but they fail to take away the backpass.  The play starts with DEPTH SUPPORT and a "dropped ball", played backwards against the direction green is attacking.  At this point, the on-the- ball and off-the-ball dynamics happen simultaneously, like yin and yang, spinning in their separate but shared spheres.

After this ball is passed backwards the passer steps out of the focus of the defense, becomes the outside sphere, but quickly moves into a key strategic position. It is by "becoming invisible" to the defense, that she is allowed to PENETRATE WITH THE RUN, and assume a position from which to "look" at the goal cleanly.

2--The supporting player from green quickly--she uses a crisp, one touch pass-- moves the ball to an inside cutting runner and the speed of play shifts into high gear. The cutting runner has "revealed herself" from a formerly "hidden" or non-threatening position, this is the threat that providing WIDTH can offer. By stepping in front of the Orange defender and asserting a quicker Pace, she provides the key moment of PENETRATION,  wherein the off-ball dynamics intersect with on-ball dynamics

3--This inside runner shifts the Point of Attack quickly to Reveal the hidden runner who started the play. She has now appeared at the back post and her first touch is a shot, which gets blocked, but because she follows through she gets a second look, and that touch secures the goal.

 The entire play involves individual and team MOBILITY and IMPROVISATION.  Creative soccer is rewarded with a goal and we are reminded why soccer is known throughout the world as THE BEAUTIFUL GAME.

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