Monday, August 25, 2014

Field Mechanics--Session 1--Whitest Belt Referee Academy

Learning to referee is a process, akin to training in the martial arts.  We discussed some core concepts when we gathered on Saturday, August 23 for our first Field Mechanics Training for New Referees.

Since a few interested folks could not attend, there will be a makeup field mechanics session for those interested in working games in the Athens area this fall.

Makeup Mechanics

Sunday, August 31 2:00 PM
 East State Street--RSVP to


Field Mechanics Training for New Referees 
Saturday, August 23
 Topics Discussed

1) Registration for Athens Referee Academy and mandatory meeting September 5th at 701 East State Street 5:00PM--9:00PM.

2) Concussion Certification--All 2014 referees are required to complete the 30 minute concussion prevention course which is available on line at

3) Arrival--Referees have pre-game duties requiring them to arrive before the scheduled kickoff time.  Late arrival is unacceptable for games, and this applies to meetings as well.  Referees should arrive with at least 15 minutes of a window before the event.  Factoring in travel and preparing your kit--dry clothes to change into, snacks, water, etc.--suggests the preparations actually begin one to two hours before the event.  This skill--to time your arrival and to be prepared--will extend to all aspects of life.  This is one of the skills in the professional repertoire you will begin to cultivate in the pursuit of this endeavor.

4) Reports are required if an injury or a disruption occurs in the match.  The report writing suggests that referees are not finished when they lave the field.  Again the Referee Academy is training future responsible leaders through the application of the full range of Officials' Mechanics.

5) Game Assignment Protocol--Responsibility is the major thing.  First, the referee is responsible for submitting Availability Dates to the Assignor--in this case Tad.   After the assignments have been sent out, there is a responsibility on the referee to confirm those assignments in a prompt manner.  Once an assignment has been confirmed, the refree is responsible for that match and that subsequent match report.  If the referee needs to make a change after confirming an assignment, they are responsible for finding a qualified replacement.  Tad will assist in this process, and should be kept in the loop, but the responsabilty to cover confirmed assignments lies with the refree.

In the event the referee does not show for a confirmed assignment, that official risks losing future game assignments from the Academy.

Athens Referee Association
Organization for local soccer officials to the Athens, Ohio area
*Liability Insurance Coverage  
*Education and Continuous Training Opportunies
*Game assignments
Explanation of ARA Level system:

Level 1 Officials have a certification in either USSF, OHSAA, or
NISOA, and have considerable game experience. Level 1 Officials have
the first option to take games, and can work any game.  Level 1
Officials may pursue certification or upgrade in either USSF, OHSAA,

Level 2 Officials have a season of experience as a referee, but lack the game experience and certification of level 1 Officials.  Level 2 Officials may pursue certification or upgrade in either USSF or OHSAA.  Level 2 Officials can be assigned games in SOSL, GASA, and Sunday Adult League.

Level 3 Officials have no certification, but would like to attain
Level 2 Official status. Level 3 Officials may pursue certification or
upgrade in either USSF or OHSAA. Level 2 referees are officials in

Annual Registration Fee:
covers your insurance and one quarterly training.
Level 3 Official 2014 Registration- $30
Level 1 Official or Level 2 Official 2013 Registration- $20

Leagues Served by ARA


SOSL--Under 8, Under 10, Under 12,
--Refs U8 - $16 (single official;)
U10 - $20 (single official)
U12 - $20/15/15 Diagonal/ /$20 (dual official)
 9AM-5pm on Saturdays in Athens Alexander, and Logan

Monday through Thursday
Athens City Recreation League--5th/6th Grade // 3rd/4th Grade
--$15 per official, per game.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Game times are 5:15pm and 6:15pm
Games are on East State Street

Athens Soccer Academy Women's League
$15 single official
Games are after 3:00pm trending toward evening
Games are on East State Street
Saturday & Sunday
Ohio University Women's Club 
As the spring and fall calendar dictates

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