Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cupcake Costume Halloween Soccer Party: Sunday Stars League

 Update to parents of Sunday Stars Players:
Yes, what you may have heard is true ...I cracked under the pressure of their excitement when telling me about their planned costumes for the Halloween thing...then mysteriously from my mouth I heard the words, "Costume CupCake Soccer Party", and it was too late.
It is a funny thing when you find yourself saying words you never intended to say when the day began.  I can only attribute this outcome to the subtle, yet persuasive powers of "the cute".  My culpability in this event is solely an effect produced by their individual influences, and I find my rational thought processes rendered mute in the face of their intense stares.
Maybe they will all forget, but in the unexpected case that at least one of them remembers, I will share the details regarding this party with you here now.
We have these dates/times left in our outdoor schedule:

Tuesday October 21 5:15-6:15

Thursday October 23 5:15-- 6:15

& Then the Season Finale'
Training Makeup Date 5:15-6:15
 Tuesday October 28
~~~~~  Cupcake Costume Soccer Party ~~~
Dress in your costumes and bring a covered dish

Reminder: Indoor Registrations due by October 31st
See you tonight at 5:15

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