Athens Soccer Academy SOSL League Games Week 2
Athens Soccer Academy played their third week of league games at the Alexander Soccer Complex. Our second week was scheduled for last weekend, but it snowed.
ASA U10 Black Pearls continued their winning streak this week. This team is in preparation for the Marietta Soccer Classic, May 14 &15.
The Pearls had a birthday to celebrate, so as the Under 8 Jaguars were on the field for their game 2, Coach Tad got dragged away to participate in a special birthday celebration for a special player.
ASA Under 8 Jaguars
The Birthday Song has been sung...
Under 12 Red Dragons have hit a growing curve. Each week makes this more team more solid. Tremendous support from three U10 Black Pearls, helped this Saturday's games through the heat and made the entire second half of the day more fun.
Against a River Valley Soccer Club that "crushed" us in week 1 at Athens High School, we turned the tide of the game: better defending, stronger midfield possession, and services into the penalty area.
Team Names Meaning:
10 Black Pearls: the nickname of the great Brazilian Pele', also the trans-formative power of sand to the Pearl is a metaphor for the player's
transformation into a "Pearl" of a player.
The tent symbolizes that we are an Academy, a club, and that the teams support one another. When the Jaguars went off to play their Game 1, the Pearls had just returned. The Black Pearls cheered and clapped as the Jaguars moved to their field...Wishing I had set the camera on record...
ASA Red Dragons Game 1 w Coach Jeff
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