Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Adult Indoor Championship--Part 2

Warning: The videos in this How To Soccer post show footage which could frighten young viewers. These clips are from an adult soccer match, and should be shared by adults.


The Adult Indoor Soccer League at Ping Center plays under a modified version of the Laws of the Game.

Both the Laws and the Rules have stipulations that a goalkeeper cannot use his hands to play a ball passed to him by a team-mate.  The referee decides the question of what is an illegal touch, and what was an intentional pass.

From the Laws of the Game, Law 12
an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper, inside his own penalty area touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate.
From Ohio University, Intramural Sports, Athens Indoor Soccer Rules, Rule 10

The following violations by a goalkeeper shall result in a free kick
b. passback
At about two-minutes, thirty-seconds into the second half, with the score 3-1 Blue, this was the play.

Remember you are the referee--from the comfort of your browser--so you need to determine if this play fits the above criteria and should be sanctioned.

So does play stop after this, or is play allowed to continue?  You can leave your answer as a comment.  Oh, and the last player to touch the ball before the goalkeeper is his team-mate.

That was pretty easy, huh? You didn't have to provide any reasons, explanations, or rationales, and if you made a decision, you passed the test.  Congratulations. Now on to lesson 2.


The indoor rules have three designations for misconduct:
  • Blue Card
  • Cautionable Offenses
  • Ejectionable Offenses
Unsporting Behavior falls under Cautionable Offenses, and the sanction is  five minutes in the penalty box. So the opposing team has a player advantage for five minutes.  Regardless of how you saw the first call in the video above, this video shows clear misconduct.

As the referee, how do you intervene?   What do you say?  What do you decide, from the comfort of your browser?

The game has taken a turn. Whatever happens in the ensuing minutes will be deflated in spirit and hollow in tone.

As the penalty is served blue scores twice.  The score is now 5-1 blue. 

Then the cautioned player comes back into the game at 13:40. 

If you read Part 1 of 2013 Adult Indoor Championship, you may recall the following details from the first game video.
  • At 1:14 of the video, we see the ball ricochet off the back of the crossbar and play continues. 
  •  At 1:20 the ball hits structure--the basketball apparatus-- and play is stopped.  The difference between how the area behind the goal and the apparatus are called will become a factor in part 2.
As happened in the first half, these indoor rules allow the ball to touch the back of the goal and remain in play.  The ball is out of play if it hits the basketball hoop apparatus, goes over a line on the back wall, or gets trapped behind the goal.  Otherwise the ball remains in play when it goes behind the goal.

Here is a second misconduct episode from the second half.  The ball flew over the goal, hit the crossbar, and came back into play when an attacker stepped into the goalie area* and headed the ball into the goal.

The referee stopped play when the attacker entered the goalie area, and the ensuing restart was a goalkeeper possession

Regrettably the following video does not show the play in question, so we are left to wonder whether the ball has touched the basketball apparatus or not as the grey player contends.

Now this game has lost the right to be called a game.  Nobody will enjoy the remaining minutes. The footage was too flat to show.

The players will go away grumbling.  The referees won't want to work these games.

We have seen the videos.

We have made a few calls.

We may have an idea if anybody is to blame.

*Per Athens Indoor Soccer Rules: Opponents may not enter the opposing goalie area, the restart is a goalkick.

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