Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Referee Diary: High School League

The drive to the fields today sets the tone.

This is the sound I hear when the ball is in play.

This is the feeling the flow of a clean game arouses in this referee.

This is the game under a similar tone.

But this is not the Under 12 League

This is the High School Boys League. 

We've read about their game tone in 

Referee Diary--A Night at the Indoor Game.


But those players have not been the problem.

Those players come to play the game.

The problem has been those players who see the field as other things.

The problem happens when the stage of the field

is used to display personalities and aggressions, 

rather than skills and strategies.

Tonight we finally keep the tone consistent for all seven games.

Tonight these boys have come just to play,

saying goodbye to the indoor game,

and looking forward to the grass 

and the sun.


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