Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dawn of the Little Professionals

At some point in the training, we steal away from the wind and glare, and I tell the boys that they should think and act like the 'little professionals' they are....  Later when we do the cheer, someone suggests we shout "little professionals", and that may have set the tone for this season.

We start today by each inflating our ball to the pressure we like it.
  Then we listen to coach set the tone for today's training.

The balls stay in the bags until coach has us ready to start our conework.

Off we go into the breeze and sun. This is how we work through Conecourse #1.

The boys have spent the winter either with no ball at their feet or dribbling on the smooth floor of the gym.  I have them do some cone-course dribbling to re-acquaint them with the vicissitudes of the ground and the grass.

As coach has us gathered for a mental re-group session, Athens Soccer Academy Under 12 Girls Team does a run-by. 

 Hey there, Ladies, Good Luck, Saturday!

We work on our spacing...

Then Coach sends us on a short run, while he sets up the grid.

The boys want to bunch up when they run just as much as they want to in the game. 

We are trying to learn to pace and space ourselves; we are trying to learn to create 'gates' through which to run.  This will allow us to run in between the other runners sending the last runner forward.  When he gets to the lead position and has gained a good distance ahead of the second-in-line, he shouts out,
then the last in-line darts through the gates.

We drink some water, before we dress in our colors for the day.

5V4 in a Large Grid

This grid is about 50 X 30. I have made it large for these numbers to accentuate the space away from the ball.

The idea I am trying to promote with these boys is that the first two-three players provide support to the ball, while some others sneak into a space which is away from the pack.

The passing rhythm is short/ short/ short/ long. 

That means that the first three passes around the ball can be 10-15 yards, but they eventually want to change the part of the field where the ball is.  This change should happen quickly to an 'outlet', a player who is strategically positioned to attack where the opponent is left unguarded.

Passing technique is essential here, and with this uneven ground, these boys manage some good possession moments and ball movement.

We play possession soccer, then a version of soccer football in which each team has an endzone into which they try to pass.

Here are the boys playing 5 Versus 4 Possession Soccer.

Here is how we ended today, with some straight shots on goal, and with a crossbar challenge at the end.

Texsport Sport/Beach Shelter - Brilliant Orange (Google Affiliate Ad)

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